Sales Representatives Since 1992
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri & Wisconsin
In this day and age, electronic catalogs are the 'in thing'. We have all of these catalogs available electronically in our customer only PDF Catalog Access area for immediate viewing at all times.
We still believe that a printed catalog is important to our customers. We send out printed catalogs on request. If you would like to receive printed catalogs, please fill out this form completely.
If we have never worked with you before, the catalog request will be confirmed by phone.
We only send catalogs to qualified resellers within the states we are contracted in.
Requests from other States will be ignored.
You will only be able to receive 8 catalogs.
Should you choose more than 8 we will choose which 8 you will receive.
Please note: Some companies listed do not always have an up-to-date catalog available.
Our Online Ordering section is kept much more up-to-date than the printed catalogs.
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